Even with some Drawbacks—You should opt for Windows Phone

The Windows Phone operating system is comparatively the least used operating system of the world. People are found to be fonder of using the Android operating system that belongs to Google and Apple’s operating system i.e. iOS. One of the basic reasons behind the less use of the Windows Phone operating system as compared to its rival is that, there is not much quality of the apps in the Windows app store. Nearly, only 33 percent of the best apps that are present in the other two operating systems are available for Windows Phone. Only 16 apps out of the 50 best apps of iOS are available for Windows Phone users and merely 14 best paid apps out 50 are offered to Windows Phone users.

Similarly, not more than 22 free apps out of 50 best free Android apps are present to use for the Windows Phone users and just 13 apps out of 50 best paid applications of Android can be used by Windows Phone users. Smartphone users tend to use more and more interesting applications; however, Windows app store only has 65 of the best available apps of the Smartphone. That is not much of a bad number regarding the popular apps that are available for Windows Phone. You must keep in mind that some of the apps are engineered especially for a particular operating system and are not functional in any other operating system. An example of such application is ‘Find my Phone’ that is a specialized app of iPhone and is not functional in any other operating system.


There are some applications that a particular cell phone or an operating system does not support, for instance, the apps available for Smartphone to work as a flashlight is not supported by the Windows Phone. The Windows app store does not have more than a one-third applications as compared to the Apple’s and Google’s app store. Microsoft is not the only one that is facing such problem, if you have a look at the Blackberry operating system, it also does not offer much of the popular mobile software that Smartphone users want to use. Smartphone users are always busy in searching new and innovative applications. The availability of some key applications is a boost for the consumers to opt for the operating systems that are rich in some fun and important applications.

As one of the core uses of Smartphone is to be active on social media, however, Windows Phone does not allow you to step into Instagram as it does not have that mobile software developed yet. Other than that, the famous games that are available on both the Android and iOS are not offered in the Windows Phone that is absolutely something frustrating. Having all these drawbacks, Microsoft does not disappoint you as experts suggest Windows Phone operating system as one of the best due to its stability and the user friendly interface. Folder Lock for Windows Phone is an application that makes your data saved in your Windows Phone completely secure. No game or fun application is more important than reliable data security mobile software, as data is possibly the most precious asset that you possess


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Folder Lock for Windows Phone, the Complete Security Solution for your Windows Phone

The current era is the era of technology. The technology is making things smaller and smarter. One of the few things that first hit your mind while you hear these two words ‘technology’ and ‘smart’ is mobile phone. Mobile phones have seen a number of stages of revolution. The first cell that was invented by Motorola was a heavy huge cell with a long antenna on the top. It had the battery life of not more than a half an hour. It had just two functions; it could dial the number and could receive the call. The technologist got busy in improving the incredible technology that was first initiated by Motorola.


After that, the scientist never looked back and started making the cell phone a better and better gadget. First, they managed to make its size smaller and smaller so that it could get convenient in carrying. When, they got it portable enough to carry in a pocket, they started thinking about new features in it. The technologist added the feature of game, through which one could enjoy in the leisure time. The Short Messaging Service gave this small communication device a new life and got popular because of that characteristic.

After getting through the number of grooming process, the Smartphone that you use today is probably the most refined version of the cell phone. There are different operating systems such as Android OS, iOS and Windows OS. Windows Operating System is a high-quality and user friendly Operating System that is easiest to use among all. To make this good OS best, use Folder Lock for Windows Phone that can give your Windows Phone’s data the complete security. It can secure your personal files, photos, videos, documents, contacts, wallet cards, notes and audio recordings in Windows Phone. Surely it is the only security app of its kind for your, the features that this app offers is absolutely unmatched. It is the Windows Phone version of the popular Windows desktop software Folder Lock.

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How Travelling Exposes you to Data Breach


When you plan a holiday, you start with booking air tickets, doing a bit of shopping and having meals (probably) with your credit card. Experts say that when you are travelling, almost every activity you perform exposes you to the greater dangers of a data breach. The reason that you will be exposed to the cyber criminals because when you travel you like to visit tourist spots which are targeted by the e-crooks as they know that tourists are not equipped with many security tools. Almost 78 percent of the data exposed from the three industries.

The cyber criminals do not target only the big fishes of the industry. No matter what kind of data you have, and how strong you are financially. In fact, e-criminals prefer low hanging fruits that are easy to get and has less risk involved. Hackers psyche has changed a bit, they now believe in quantity, rather than quality. They like to target hundreds of people instead of fooling a company or an individual that can benefit them equal to hundred breaches. You will most likely lose your data when your information is in transit online. The hackers try to steal the information when it is travelling from one end to another.

When your data gets breached, means, when your debit card or credit card numbers are leaked, you will not notification overnight, especially if you are on a holiday. It will take days or probably weeks to get you notified. If the breach is in at a mass level, the company would likely to act more promptly. However, your confidential records leakage will not bind the company to issue you a new debit card or credit card. They would do all kinds of investigations regarding the data theft and then would most likely to issue you a new card.

The data theft is not itself harmful. But, the transactions that take place through your credit cards make you sweat. There are thousands of such debits and credit cards are stolen annually, and transactions worth millions of Dollars take place every year. That is really frightening. That is why; the online banking and money transactions are not backed by the cyber security experts. The world is witnessing an amazing increasing trend of data breaches and the relation between data breach and fraud is getting stronger day by day. Last year, more than 5 percent of the data breach victims also became the victim of fraud.

Data is one of the most precious assets that anyone can have, which is why it needs proper security measures. Information Technology experts advise to use data security software like Folder Lock that can protect your data from any kind of breach. Data security is such an issue that can stress you; it would be such a sigh of relief if you are sure that your data will not get breached. Seeing the trend of this tech world, experts say, the more secure your data, the securer will be you and your financial assets.

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Data Breach and Fraud—The Connection is getting Stronger


A person who has been a victim of a data breach has not always been a victim of fraud. But, the connection is getting stronger and stronger day by day. The new study of Javelin Strategy and Research surveyed 5,249 consumers to gather more statistics about the data breach and its link with fraud. From the 5,249 surveyed consumers, almost 630 of them were notified about data breach of their financial information. On the other hand, 51 percent of the fraud victims were notified that their data have been breached in the past one year.


For last past 3 years, the probability of becoming a victim of fraud of losing financial records has increased. In the year 2010, almost 4.4 percent of the U.S residents lost their financial information; nearly 12 percent of them also became a victim of fraud. There were only 1.4 percent fraud victims who did not breach data. In the next year of 2011, 4.4 percent of the Americans breached data, surprisingly more than 18 percent of the victims also became the prey of fraud. Only 2.4 percent of the Americans became just the victim of fraud. The increasing trend of losing data and becoming a fraud victim continued in the last year also. Out of the 5.3 percent U.S citizens who lost their data, more than 22 percent of them became a fraud victim. There were only 2.9 percent of the Americans who became only the victim of fraud not the data breach.


The probability that a person will also become a victim of fraud along with the data breach has been doubled. That has made the incidents of data breach even more hazardous for the user. In order to prevent yourself from data breaches and most probably fraud, use software that can lock folders . The incidents of data breach and frauds are getting more and more interlinked because hackers are not performing their mal activities for fun, but, to earn.



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