Username and passwords need to be eliminated

Press Release – November-18-2014 – Without giving it a second thought, most people already know that having a username and password to login to any online portal is risky.  The same can be said about spreading our personal information all over the internet. The truth is, cyber-criminals can attack at any time and at any point – and there is nothing you can do about it. Most people think that changing their passwords regularly eliminates the risk – but that’s just a myth – believe it or not. Think about it, you go online and purchase an item; you are required to enter all your personal details including your credit-card number. Consequently, all that information needs to be saved somewhere – it does not disappear into cyber-space. That’s because, you can never truly delete bits of information.

Username and Password on browser

Although offline information can be secured with software such as Folder Lock, online security of credentials is a different matter. Accordingly, hackers know this phenomenon and have developed sophisticated software which can extract your personal details from servers. There is no need to mention the countless high-profile hacking incidents that have occurred in the past decade or so. However, it’s rare that your credit-card details can be stolen from a secured website. Nonetheless, your username and password can easily be recorded by hackers using a key logging software (software which records your keystrokes). Thus, it’s obvious that usernames and passwords are the biggest risk to information security. So, what’s the alternative? According to senior data security analyst, Ian Murphy, who works for Inc—a leading information security company.  Biometric or encryption of personal credentials is the next wave, because it’s the only secure method for truly securing credentials over a live connection. Murphy further adds that “public WIFI spots such as parks, airports, train stations, cafes, universities, schools and other public and private institutions are a haven for hackers.” He further adds that “with the advent of social media, online banking and other information storing portal, it has become quite risky to share information on the web”.

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